About Us

About Rhyme & Reason Ministry, Inc. (R&R)

R&R provides a comprehensive enrichment program for foster youth and individuals with developmental disabilities. Through trusting relationships, participants come to know their value and purpose and experience the message of love, hope and redemption.

The R&R model creates a safe place where participants find healing from their traumatic experiences and discover, build and strengthen their core identities, increasing adaptive behavioral function.

R&R and its agents are committed champions for our clients, their families and caregivers. We are dedicated to improving emotional, behavioral and social function through therapeutic services, meaningful activities, and a healthy connectedness to others. We strive to improve greater independence, personal fulfillment, and overall quality of life.

R&R is a Medicaid Waiver Service Provider


Helping those with emotional, behavioral and social challenges make sense of their lives and find their purpose.


Conceptual Skills

Language and literacy; money, time, and number concepts; and self-direction.


Social Skills

Interpersonal skills, social responsibility, self-esteem, gullibility, naïveté (i.e., wariness), social problem solving, and the ability to follow rules/obey laws and to avoid being victimized.

Practical Skills

Activities of daily living (personal care), occupational skills, healthcare, travel/transportation, schedules/routines, safety, use of money, use of the telephone.

Why Choose Us?

We Take a Holistic View

When you choose Rhyme & Reason, you can be confident you or your loved one will receive individual attention, effective strategies and compassionate care. Our trained therapists, practioners, and mentors bring a breadth of experience and knowledge working with people of all ages with various cognitive, physical and social abilities. Our goal is to help each of our clients live his and her good life. We do this by addressing each client’s unique needs, challenges, and opportunities for growth with emphasis on maintaining respect and dignity of each person.

We work closely with case managers, doctors, family members, and even employers or other key community members. We understand that seeking help for your loved one can feel overwhelming. You may be confused as to the options available and the benefits of different types of therapy, medications and training. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you and answer all your questions. Contact R&R today to get the conversation started!

We don’t insist on a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy and treatment. We take a holistic view of all aspects of our client’s life and find strategies for improving relationships, job performance, physical health and emotional well-being.

R&R professionals have extensive experience in working with foster youth and the foster care system and recipients of the Medicaid Waiver.

Who Benefits from Rhyme & Reason’s Services?

Individuals with developmental disabilities, social skills deficits, and mental health diagnoses can all benefit from R&R’s services. When your loved one receives the skillful help of our clinicians and mentors, everyone around them benefits. Family relationships, friendships, and workplace interactions improve when our clients gain the tools they need to communicate their wants and needs, cope with stress and master basic life skills.

R&R participants benefit from the expertise of our trained therapists and mentors. Each service plan is unique to each client and includes effective intervention strategies and recommendations for simple environmental changes that improve quality of life, independence and meaningful participation in the community.

Who Does R&R Serve?

R&R is a Medicaid Waiver Service Provider

  • People with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • People with emotional, behavioral and mental health challenges
  • Foster youth ages 5 to 18 years, including those reunified with their original family
  • Emancipated foster youth ages 18 to 26 years
  • Adopted youth ages 5 to 26 years
  • Anyone who seeks to address debilitating conditions through whole-person practices
  • People with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • People with emotional, behavioral and mental health challenges
  • Foster youth ages 5 to 18 years, including those reunified with their original family
  • Emancipated foster youth ages 18 to 26 years
  • Adopted youth ages 5 to 26 years
  • Anyone who seeks to address debilitating conditions through whole-person practices

Family & Friends Benefit

When a family member faces challenges to living his or her good life, everyone in the household is affected. Individuals with emotional, cognitive or physical hurdles often feel frustrated in getting their needs met. Angry outbursts, socially inappropriate behaviors, or withdrawal are common responses that may leave others feeling helpless to help.

R&R therapists examine the unique needs of their clients within the context of the home environment. They take the time to get to know family members and roommates and observe interactions before developing behavioral strategies. Often, simple adjustments to the home environment and to communication habits can create positive changes. Therapists are available to train all family members on the best ways to support the good life goals of their loved one. When challenged individuals learn better ways to get their needs met, a more peaceful home environment results.

R&R therapists examine the unique needs of their clients within the context of the home environment. They take the time to get to know family members and roommates and observe interactions before developing behavioral strategies. Often, simple adjustments to the home environment and to communication habits can create positive changes. Therapists are available to train all family members on the best ways to support the good life goals of their loved one. When challenged individuals learn better ways to get their needs met, a more peaceful home environment results.

Employers & Co-Workers Benefit

Our therapists will meet with your loved one at home as well as public settings, when appropriate, to practice adaptive strategies for successful living. This may include on site work-place coaching, a shopping trip to the mall, or a meal at a restaurant.

As R&R clients learn better ways to communicate, manage time, handle stress and interact with others, co-workers and employers will see improvements in the workplace. Our therapists provide training to supervisors on better ways to respond to R&R clients, and how to elicit the best work from him or her. When behavioral support strategies are supported in the workplace, both employees and employers will benefit from the improved workplace climate.

Community Members Benefit

Many R&R participants are students, employees, club members or community volunteers, as well as mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. At R&R, we recognize that everyone brings unique strengths and challenges to our various life roles. That’s why we take the time to observe our clients in a variety of real-life settings. Therapists will often accompany R&R participants into the community to practice social skills and stress reduction techniques as well as practical skills like budgeting and time management.

As R&R participants grow more confident in their skills, they are better able to participate in all aspects of community life and share their own valuable contributions.

What Can I Expect from Rhyme & Reason?

When you partner with Rhyme & Reason, you and your loved one can always expect to receive respect, individualized attention, and a compassionate approach to care. You can expect to receive a service plan that takes into account the whole-person needs of your loved one, including existing medical conditions and past trauma. Your R&R representative will work one-on-one with your loved one to identify good life goals and strategies to reach them.

Training is provided to caregivers, family members, roommates and employers on how to support the strategies and goals of the R&R participant. While goals and outcomes differ for each individual, you can expect to see improvements in targeted behaviors, such as:

  • More effective communication
  •  Fewer angry outbursts
  •  Increased sense of self-efficacy
  •  Increased personal responsibility
  •  More enjoyment of life and relationships

Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997).

Self-efficacy reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one’s own motivation, behavior, and social environment.

Person Centered Approach

Rhyme & Reason follows the person centered approach to supporting persons with disabilities. We seek to identify a participant’s values and the experiences that make a good life for him or her. Therapists and Mentors encourage opportunities for our participants to engage in the community and exercise growing social skills. R&R Social Program activities provide a fun way for participants to bring their gifts to the community. Confidence grows and relationships flourish in this safe and supportive environment. Learn more about our Social Program here.